Saturday 2 February 2013


Images of the sky shot during a temporary 3 day ceasefire by the IRA. They stand as an abstract representation of a political stance. I found I really talk well with Paul Graham’s works, from his early classical documentary projects such as A1 to his current “new” documentary style such as Shimmer of Possibility.  

Paul Graham locates the sites from which he took his skyscapes: Andersonstown, Belfast; Ballymurphy, Belfast; Newry; ShankhilI, Belfast; Bogside, Derry and so on. Graham also informs us that they were all taken during the ceasefire in April1994. Anchored in time and place, these images are less free-floating. Without text these would be nothing but blank sheets, sites for contemplation. Captioned, they carry a metaphorical weight. These skies are readable as metaphor for the political condition in Ireland. The rather uncertain condition of the weather in April, becomes, in literal fashion, an objective correlative of the uncertainty of lreland’s political climate.

Sky to me is always full of enigma, of course including the stars, the clouds...  I am searching the best form to create a metaphor for the Zeitgeist of current China, or even the past and the future.

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