SONG, Kun - PHOTOGRAPHY. 关于摄影的思考和实践。暂时没有用中文,请多包涵。 This blog is all about photography. (www.songkun.net)
Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Monday, 16 April 2012
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Thursday, 12 April 2012

Proposal for Public Exhibition
Please complete the following sections with as much information as you have at this stage. If things are not yet confirmed please indicate ideals (i.e. type of venue, shortlist of possibilities, proposed dates, etc).
Group members:
Sarah D, Andrew C, Kun S, Alan M
Title (or working title) of exhibition/event/publication:
Public2Public and abbreviated for marketing to P2P
Type of exhibition/event/publication:
Flashmob/Free Photographic Exhibition
The following are provisional sites:
The Street, Harrow Campus
V&A Tunnel
Brick Lane
Tate Modern (Turbine Hall)
Tate Britain
Dates (exhibition/event/private view):
Four weekends from May 12th
P2P aims to break open the lacuna between established art photography and the vernacular photography with which we are all too familiar. Members of the public are invited to bring their best photographs out of the closet and into the public eye with a chance to interact with an art interested and aware audience.
Bring your insight and your images into the glare of P2P and be among the first to see the photographic artists of tomorrow or find your first break into exhibiting art photography.
Content: (thumbnail images):
Fuller description:
To move away from the traditional gallery, planned exhibition we aim on holding a number of ad-hoc, flashmob style exhibition where a group of photographers gather in a public space to exhibit their photographs.
We will start with a trail run in the 'Street' on Harrow campus. With this we will identify followers that will spread the word and get the attention of other courses and people to participate in future events. This is a mechanism of getting support of our peers at Westminster and start into the first “real” event with a larger number of participants.
The seconds reason for having the trail run is to learn from the very experimental nature and take forward lessons learnt into the future events. This includes the overall logistics of hanging/displaying the images, organising and crown control, networking, curating on the site and questions of health and safety.
*** Just looked at the Chapel site and there aren't any bios ***** we will fill need this in over the next few days
Aims – experimental results! Everyone has photos they are more or less proud of, many have attempted to copy or have been influenced by art photographs they have seen and our intuition therefore is that there is pent-up interest from the public in exhibiting and seeing photography that would otherwise remain private. The aim is to conduct an experiment to see if this interest exists and whether we can promote its expression.
Achieve – increasing numbers of people week on week, increasing quality of work, break down inhibitions and barriers around discussing the work.
Target – art students, artists struggling or working in other media, are interested public, enthusiasts, passer by.
Reaction – 1) intelligent discourse on the work
2) attendance itself is a response to the work
3) copy-cat events organised along similar lines.
The overall aim will be to gain support of photography related organisations such as Print Space. Given the large number of photography exhibitors it will be an opportunity for these organisations to promote their products.
An initial idea is to provide exhibitors with vouchers provided by Print Space etc for discounts e.g. printing.
[we need more ideas here!!!!!!!]
Promotion plan:
[I'm not sure if I captured everything from the chat yesterday!]
The participants would find out about the location and timing of the event through advertising on the internet (Facebook etc.), media publication (e.g. Timeout) and printed publicity (Posters, flyers etc.).
The aim would be to have a large number (all?) of the exhibited images displayed on the P2P website. We would try to link to other similar flashmob organisations from the web site.
Use of stickers?
Flashmob assocaition “I'm a photographer not a terrorist”
[we need more here on......what strategies we will use?]
Web presence?
www.p2p.bloggs.com, www.p2pblogspot.com,
[list websites/ myspace url/ etc]
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Below is the list Cristina followed in summer, we could list up here…