Exhibition Summary
The aim is to have a number (4 seems the most popular but could be fewer or more?) of exhibitions where the participants are encouraged to show their images or image in a public place. The participants would find out about the location and timing of the event through advertising on the internet (Facebook etc.), media publication (e.g. Timeout) and printed publicity (Posters, flyers etc.).
The locations would be different for each exhibition and the style of presentation could/would be modified depending on the location.
The location mentioned so far are (I'm not sure if we dismissed any of these but thought I'd include them at this point):
We would try to have the events over four consecutive weekends.
May 12th thru June 2nd were pencilled in as possible dates i.e. after the essay is handed in. (We need to check that these dates don't clash with any other major event e.g. Golden Jubilee).
Exhibition Name
Free Range Photographic was suggested and will be used as a working title.
We agree that we would need to have someone assigned to or make sure we cover the following:
Possible advertising routes are:
We need to give some serious thoughts to how the exhibitions are advertised. In this context it was suggested we should take some images in the next few weeks in possible locations and then use photoshop to produce some mock-ups of the poster etc. Also suggested we try to produce an artists impression of the exhibition.
Exhibition Styles of Presentation
A number of possible approaches could be taken (this isn’t a complete list but should get us thinking):
Should we encourage people to sell their images? Does this create problems in terms of local bi-laws, museums etc.
Not sure we discussed this but who are we aiming this at? Arty types, university arty types, photography enthusiasts, anyone, all of the above...........
We should all start to research similar events that have happened either in London or other places. [All]
We didn’t discuss this but we should try to get some idea of how much we want to spend on this!
Next Meeting
Next Wednesday 15th Feb. after/before the lectures
The aim is to have a number (4 seems the most popular but could be fewer or more?) of exhibitions where the participants are encouraged to show their images or image in a public place. The participants would find out about the location and timing of the event through advertising on the internet (Facebook etc.), media publication (e.g. Timeout) and printed publicity (Posters, flyers etc.).
The locations would be different for each exhibition and the style of presentation could/would be modified depending on the location.
The location mentioned so far are (I'm not sure if we dismissed any of these but thought I'd include them at this point):
- Tate Modern (inside Turbine Hall) [AC to contact Tate]
- Tate Modern (outside)
- Brick Lane Houses
- V&A Tunnel
- Stoke Newington Gallery Hall [AM to email manager]
- Trafalgar Square outside National Gallery
- A park e.g. Serpentine or the square near Liverpool St. Station where the statue is!
- Hoxton Square
- Cork St.
- Vinyl St.
We would try to have the events over four consecutive weekends.
May 12th thru June 2nd were pencilled in as possible dates i.e. after the essay is handed in. (We need to check that these dates don't clash with any other major event e.g. Golden Jubilee).
Exhibition Name
Free Range Photographic was suggested and will be used as a working title.
We agree that we would need to have someone assigned to or make sure we cover the following:
- Overall Team Leader
- Project Manager responsible for each location to cover things we haven’t thought of!
- Legal stuff
- Advertising Content and Design
- Online presence (website etc.)
- Physical Media Production
- Planning
- Not a complete list.............
Possible advertising routes are:
- Online
- Free Range Website
- Blog?
- loads more to add..........
- Publications
- Timeout
- Loads more to add.......
- Printed
- Posters at Universities, Art Galleries etc
- Flyers
- Postcards
- etc?......
We need to give some serious thoughts to how the exhibitions are advertised. In this context it was suggested we should take some images in the next few weeks in possible locations and then use photoshop to produce some mock-ups of the poster etc. Also suggested we try to produce an artists impression of the exhibition.
Exhibition Styles of Presentation
A number of possible approaches could be taken (this isn’t a complete list but should get us thinking):
- People would bring small, medium and very large images to the location and stand with their image discuss their images with other people.
- A more performance oriented approach would require a curator, providing some narrative where images are arranged in groups
- A more conventional approach could be taken where there is a physical wall e.g. Stoke Newington or the V&A Tunnel with images put on the wall. (Something like the The Royal Academy but without the vetting process!)
- Images could be displayed via a projector onto a wall, tree or whatever is nearby
- etc.......
Should we encourage people to sell their images? Does this create problems in terms of local bi-laws, museums etc.
Not sure we discussed this but who are we aiming this at? Arty types, university arty types, photography enthusiasts, anyone, all of the above...........
We should all start to research similar events that have happened either in London or other places. [All]
We didn’t discuss this but we should try to get some idea of how much we want to spend on this!
Next Meeting
Next Wednesday 15th Feb. after/before the lectures