I had another colour printing session. The purpose is to print all chosen images so that I could juxtapose everything in front of me for further edit. I finally pin down the right colour balance after previous two sessions of ‘messing-around’. Colour dark room No.1, cyan 0, magenta 55 and yellow 55 is the right combination for Kodak Ekta 100 shot in grey weather morning time. F16 and 12.5 second give perfect exposure for most of the shot. However there are a few shots difficult to expose right. I played around different combinations and made a note for the last formal printing later. At least I printed everything out, though there are still lot of work to fine tune to get the best result. The two rolls of films, one shot by Hassalbladt was not successful maybe due to my handheld at 1/60 and wide aperture; the other one by Bronica SQA was quite good, as I used tripod and shutter release, though slower speed at 1/15 and f5.6 instead of 2.8. Printing is essential as it is easier to pin point the quality of the shooting while looking at film using magnifying glass has limitations. I also printed my 5 X 4 films. It was fantastic to see the rich detail on the print. If situation allows, I would prefer large format. It is so different. One good image is better than 1 billion mediocre images.
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