Back to darkroom, this time colour printing. It seems more complicated as there is colour cast, which has to be considered and adjusted subjectively and scientifically. We are in separate cubicles and have to work in complete darkness, unlike the nice red ambient like in black & white darkroom. A few test strips to check exposure time and colour balance but it was just not right even though I adjusted magenta to decrease the yellow cast. Ulrike helped to find that my filter switch was not quite right, and film carrier was not folded properly hence leaked light. Operating in complete darkness is a new experience. I quite like it. There is a sense of privacy, conscious and revelation by staying in my tiny cubicles, of course have to work in the printing machine room and trimming room in the dark as well. I was bit nervous as usual and cut one of my finger not knowing it till afterwards. Photography is a patient occupation and I got to relax and work slowly. Actually everything is. 16 Sec, 8 Aperture, 70 Yellow and 65 Magenta. Still a tint of yellow on my print – wait for the next time to correct.
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