I became the cameraman for the first shot. After a few tests on digital, based on the lighting set up in the second shooting, I used Mamiya RB67 for Polaroid test with 80mm lens and then started shooting on Fuji Provia 100 transparency. I shot the 10 frame in one go bracketing. I was quite nervous even though I am familiar with the set up and the sitters. It was quite pressurising. I understood the sitter was standing there for a long time and I really wanted just to finish shooting and achieve the assignment. At the same time, I worried about the quality of the shot and was afraid to re-shoot in case of any imperfection. Anyway, in hindsight…
The focus is not easy especially when modelling light is not bright enough, so I should have increase the modelling light intensity and focus in a proper environment, though the focus was accurate.
I was bit clumsy, as I was not familiar with RB67. I used smaller Bronica and Mamiya before but RB67 is the first time, so I should have played with the kit to get familiar before shooting.
The scene in the viewfinder is smaller than the actual shot. I noticed it in the Polaroid print but I was not sure and hoping it was not the same for film. So I should have known the camera better.
I wanted change the set up by asking the sitters to step back a bit, but I just didn’t. I was worrying making too much hassle for them.
Anyway, the developed transparency looked nice but due to the viewfinder problem the black background rim showed at left and right edges of the each frame. There was one perfect though. We will use this one for scanning, printing and submission.
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